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What are LifeGroups?

LifeGroups play a vital role in creating a sense of community, spiritual growth, and outreach within the church. These groups provide a platform for believers and pre-believers to Connect with one another, Grow in or begin their faith walk, Serve together, and Go out into the community as representatives of Christ. LifeGroups are a dynamic force in the life of our church.

When do LifeGroups meet?

We offer a full lineup of LifeGroups on Sunday mornings (8:30, 9:45, and 11:00am). These groups vary in size, subject, and demographics, so please refer to our LifeGroup Schedule and church map. If you can’t make it to Sunday morning on campus LifeGroups, beginning in January 2024, we will also offer LifeGroups throughout the week in member’s homes located throughout the community.

Why LifeGroups?


Emphasizes the importance of building meaningful relationships within the church (1 Thessalonians 2:8). LifeGroups provide a setting where individuals can share their joys, sorrows, and struggles. Each group creates an environment of support, encouragement, and Christ-like love while growing deeper in relationships with Christ and each other.


Highlights the transformative nature of LifeGroups (Colossians 1:9-10). Members are encouraged to engage in Bible study, prayer, and discipleship, resulting in spiritual growth and maturity. Through times of discussion, in a “safe space”, sharing personal insights, and asking questions, participants gain a deeper understanding of God's Word and how it applies to their lives.

Why LifeGroups?


Emphasizes the importance of “putting faith into action’ (1 Peter 4:10). LifeGroups provide opportunities for members to serve both within and outside the walls of the church. Whether it's organizing a service project in the community or supporting local missions, serving together strengthens the bond between group members and allows them to impact their communities. LifeGroups also encourage the development of spiritual gifts and talents through service to others and through ministries within the church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).


Reminds believers of their mission to share the love and message of Christ with the world (Matthew 28-18-20). LifeGroups equip members to “go beyond the walls of the church” and make a difference in their workplaces, neighborhoods, and the broader community.
